Maryland JCI Senate

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Maryland Senator

Any JCI Senator residing in the state of Maryland or any JCI Senator, regardless of residency, who received his/her Senatorship by action of a Maryland Jaycee chapter shall be considered a Maryland Senator and a member of the Maryland JCI Senate.

Classes of Membership

Regular Member:  Any Maryland Senator who has paid current annual membership dues to the Maryland JCI Senate and is enrolled as a dues paid member in good standing.  Current dues are $25.00 per year.

Life Member:  Any former Regular Member who has contributed the life member fee to the Maryland JCI Senate. (We are no longer accepting applications for life membership.)

Associate Member:  Any Maryland Senator who is not a Regular or Life Member.

Benefits of Regular and Life Membership

Only Regular and Life members shall be permitted to vote on Senate business and to cast a vote during any election.  

Only Regular and/or Life members may fill leadership positions, both elected and appointed.

Life and regular members may receive discounts on admission fees or other charges for functions such as hospitality or social events.

Maryland JCI Senator newsletter is a quarterly publication mailed to each Regular and Life member.  (One issue per year may be mailed to Associate members at the discretion of the Board of Directors.)

Each Regular and Life member of the Maryland JCI Senate is automatically enrolled as a member of the US JCI Senate and receives all of the benefits of membership in the National organization.  Such benefits include a subscription to Mentors magazine, access to a long distance service, credit card, etc.

How to Become a Regular Member

To become a Regular Member of the Maryland JCI Senate send a completed membership application to the Treasurer along with your check made payable to the MD JCI Senate.

Click here to download a membership application

Already a Member?

If you are not sure of your membership status please feel free to contact the Webmaster or any officer of the Maryland JCI Senate.

If your address, telephone number, or e-mail address has changed please forward the correct information to the Webmaster or to the Administrative Director.

Return the Favor

We “return the favor” by being mentors to local Jaycees as well as officers and appointments on the state levels of the Maryland Jaycees. If you know of a Maryland JCI Senator who is helping the Jaycees in any way, you can submit a “Return the Favor” to the Maryland JCI Senate President or to the US JCI Senate in order for them to be recognized. 

Outstanding Senator nomination form (click here)

Outstanding State nomination form (click here)

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